Bulk Upload

If you have a dozen or more photos and memoirs to share, we’d like to help you by providing a place for you to bulk upload these. If you fill out the form below we will respond with a link to a folder in Dropbox where you can upload your photos/files.

  • The information about what you upload that is extremely important for the archives includes:
    1. the camp (Miniwanca-MW or Merrowvista-MV)
    2. the program — YG, YB, OG, OB, NLC/ILC, SSW, FC, ODY, VOY, Reunion, etc.
    3. the year (or at least the decade)
    4. some type of descriptor of what’s in the photo

Please include that information in the name of each photo/file you upload. An example is: MWNLC2004ClosingCeremony.

Additionally, please avoid uploading photos of poor quality which would not show up well on the archives and also avoid duplicates or similar photos …”give us your best shot!”

Request to Bulk Upload

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